Emulating color vision deficiencies

Did you know that color blindness affects approximately 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women in the world? (source: https://www.colourblindawareness.org/colour-blindness) And most of them are not seeing the world in black-white mode but can’t see e.g. some of the colors. Can you imagine your Facebook wall without colors? Or Pinterest collection? Now, you don’t have to try your imagination but just use tools to see it with your eyes. You will just need DevTools in your Chrome browser.

What to do?

  • Open the Chrome DevTools Panel (ctrl + shift + I on Linux/Windows or cmd + shift + I on Mac)

  • Click 3 dots on the right side

  • Choose Rendering

  • Find a dropdown titled “Emulate vision deficiencies”

  • Choose one of the options from the menu

What is important you can perform that experiment on any webpage via the Chrome browser. Try some of your favorite web pages in that mode. Can you still understand the whole content? Is everything readable? Or maybe labels without your beautiful color palette look the same as the background?

Last updated